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Ninong Ry nagfo-food trip pa din sa Thailand. Ngayon naman sa Yawarat at Khao San! Follow niyo ako mga inaanak:
Ninong Ry
Run time: 20:12
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English Summary of Video (AI):
The video is a travel and food vlog showcasing various street food experiences in Thailand, specifically in the districts of Yawarat and Khao San Road. Here are the specific food items and experiences discussed:

- Starting the trip with the intention of trying multiple street foods.
- Enjoyment of large, fresh oysters served with fried onions and other condiments.
- Trying a raw marinated hipon (shrimp), which tastes fresh and without any fishy odor.
- Sampling what appears to be scallops, noting the absence of any fishy taste.
- Eating a duck noodle dish with a slightly sweet broth enhanced with star anise.
- Encountering a deep-fried delicacy resembling 'kikiam' (a type of Filipino food), made with crab, shrimp, and bean curd skin.
- Trying grilled octopus that is tender and not rubbery with a mild taste.
- Cooking and tasting grilled skewers of meat, including a local version of intestines.
- Discovering an interesting crepe with an octopus filling being sold as a street snack.
- Sampling a cold treat resembling an ice pop made with Coca-Cola and describing it as hard as wood.
- Trying an inventive 'squid puzzle' snack and sharing it with newfound friends.
- Eating Thai-style oyster pancakes and noting the exceptional freshness of the seafood used.
- Walking through Khao San Road, famous for street food; trying a grilled alligator with different sauces.
- Eating a deep-fried scorpion, describing the experience and taste, and noting that it doesn't have a distinct flavor.
- Trying an assortment of fried insects, including crickets and larval beetles, but finding them lacking in taste.
- Feasting on chicken kebabs packed with veggies and flavorful sauce, noting its great taste and value for money.
- Eating a seafood salad with freshly blanched shrimp and squid, mixed with vegetables and a dressing.
- Sampling fried wonton and crispy chicken feet, giving thoughts on the taste and texture.
- Sharing a fruit experience with tourists, testing both a white strawberry, which lacks the typical strawberry flavor, and comparing it to a traditional red strawberry.
- Enjoying a layered seafood dish with mussels ("talaba") and noting the freshness of the seafood.
- Drinking sugar cane juice as a refreshment at the end of the food adventure.

Throughout the vlog, the narrator highlights the lack of fishy taste in seafood, the novelty of foods like white strawberries and fried scorpion, and the overall freshness and affordability of street food in Thailand.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
So nasa Toktok kami ngayon, buta yung ginagaya kami kasi papunta na naman kami sa isa pang street food destination.
Okay so food trip pa rin pare, andito kami ngayon sa Yawarat pare at wala tayo ibang gagawin kundi kakain.
Dapat dun ba kami mag-i-intro e kaso may nakita akong malupit dito.
Pare, tinan mo naman yung talaba na yan, diba?
Pare kapalad yung talaba oh.
100, okay give me one, give me one, very big one, the biggest one.
Can we see?
Binabalawan niya ngayon yung talaba.
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