
The Lea Salonga "Dressing Room" Issue
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Bastos ba ang tao sa viral video ni Lea Salonga? Nagmaldita ba si Lea Salonga o sadyang nagseset lang siya ng kanyang boundaries? Viral video of fans trying to enter Lea Salonga’s dressing room sparks netizens’ ire Netizens came to the defense of Lea Salonga after a fan claimed they had been treated rudely by the Broadway Diva while in the vicinity of her dressing room. “Gusto ko lang po ipost, bahala na po kayo humusga (I just want to post this. Judge it for yourself),” Facebook user Christopher Retokelly Carpila posted on Saturday, July 15. In the two-minute video, the singer-actress is visibly surprised when she notices some fans trying to enter her dressing room for the Broadway musical Here Lies Love to request a picture with her. “Who are you? I’m so sorry. I don’t know you,” Salonga was heard saying in the video, to which an unidentified woman replied: “I’m just a fan.” -From Rappler lea salonga,lea salonga viral video,lea salonga dressing room,lea salonga issue,lea sal
Claro the Third
Run time: 14:08
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Hi Ms. Leia, can we take pictures with you?
I'm so sorry, I don't know who you are.
Unless you're on the guest list, we cannot have you back here.
Sorry, sorry.
I'm sorry because if I allow this now, then other people are not allowed to get in here.
Kung wala siya, isang taong hindi nakapagpangangin pwedeng ipasok?
No, because it's our security.
Halika na, dito na.
Okay, no, no, no, just take it here.
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