
CHEF RV’s VERSION OF NASI GORENG (Indonesian Fried Rice)
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NASI GORENG ½ cup soy sauce ¼ cup brown sugar cooking oil 2 tbsp. minced garlic ¼ cup sliced onions 200 g chicken breast, thinly sliced 2 tbsp. shrimp paste 3 pcs. whole eggs 4-6 cups cooked rice 2 tbsp. sliced red chillies ¼ cup sliced leeks fried eggs fried onions
Chef RV Manabat
Run time: 09:42
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Today, let's travel to Indonesia by cooking this very popular Indonesian-style fried rice or also known as Nasi Goreng.
So there it is, right?
Because lately, I am really inspired on the dishes that I miss from around the world.
I've been to Indonesia only once and I am really amazed on their culture and of course, on the food that is very delicious.
This Nasi Goreng, I remember that I ordered this on a fast food there which I forgot the name already
but it's very delicious because when you order, even on the food stalls in the middle of the mall.
It's really that they will cook it there, that's why it's really fresh.
So one of the secrets here is the sweet soy sauce which you can buy it on the grocery stores
but of course, I know that you are watching my videos, you want to fast forward it after watching it.
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