
Mga Pinoy na propagandista ng China
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Christian Esguerra
Run time: 10:22
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Q8. Nabanggit niyo ang importansya ng arbitral victory natin sa Permanent Court of Arbitration ng 2016. Parang literally na-imagine ko kayo yung may nagpapakalat ng fake news dyan. Ito yung decision, kami nanalo. Pero alam niyo honestly pag inoobserbahan ko yung nagiging diskurso sa social media, miski yung arbitral victory na yan parang tinitwist ng ilang mga kababayan natin to apparently favor China. What do you say to that?"
In fact sabi nga ng isang pro-China, alam mo there are even more Chinese than the Chinese. Ito ang mga pro-Chinese Filipino sa bayan natin, there are more Chinese than the Chinese.
They never said the tribunal did not invalidate the claim of China under the nine-dash line for maritime resources. Pero yung mga Pilipino na kumakampi sa China, sinasabi nila the nine-dash line, the arbitral tribunal did not invalidate the nine-dash line even as to the maritime claim.
So ito yung isang isang dispute yan, territorial dispute and maritime dispute. So sabi ko nga there are more Chinese than the Chinese, there are more pope-ish than the pope because yung China, ayaw nila, they don't want to say that kasi klaro naman talaga it was invalidated as far as the maritime dispute is concerned.
So yun ang nakakalungkot kasi sumosobra sila. There are even more Chinese than the Chinese.
Actually na-imagine ko itong portions ng ating interview, mapumunta na naman kung saan-saan websites, magiging meme na naman and then papalabasin kayo nagpapakalat ng fake news. Tapos siyempre pipitikin din ang inyong lingkod.
I was lying when I said that the arbitral award struck down the Chinese claim in the South China Sea. Kasi they quoted a portion of the arbitral award that sinabi ng tribunal we are not striking down the nine-dash line as far as the islands of the South China Sea,
as far as the territorial dispute, island is a territory, as far as territorial dispute. Tama naman because maritime dispute lang e.
So sinabi nila yun. It was not struck down. Hindi nila dini-differentiate. From the very beginning, dini-differentiate ko yan.
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