
Biker ayaw na magkaso; abusadong ex-cop lusot na?
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Christian Esguerra
Run time: 10:55
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... My only side comment to that is that sige pagpalagay na natin na ganoon na mangyayari and makundik na si Mr. Gonzales. Ano ba ang penalty para sa alarms and scandals? It's actually 1-10 days, arresto menor. 1-10 days.
... What I mean nakita natin, ang nakita natin sa video especially sa 2nd video are the following. Unattempted homicide. Bakit? Kasi gusto niya banggain ang siklista e. E paano kung nabangga niya talaga yan, tumomba tapos nasagasaan, may sumusunod na kotse.
Unattempted homicide incident. What else? There is yung slander by deed. Nung sinampal, binatukan itong siklista in full view of the public to the damage and reputation of itong siklista na ito who wasn't even doing anything. Buti man lang kung nagtaas ng mga kamao tapos gusto makipagsuntukan. Hindi. Walang nihani ho basta na lamang binatukan siya.
What else? There's grave threats. Kasi makikita din ulit sa video, nilabas yung barel, kinasa. And by bringing out your gun in public when the other person is unarmed, is a crime under our revised penal code. So makikita mo that all of these things could be filed. The problem is that hindi pe pwede yung CCTV as a basis for that.
So mayroon pa papasok, sino yung tatayo na complainant? Pwede ba yung people of the Philippines? Yeah, sure, certainly. But again, importante yung testimony ng complainant.
And that all of these videos are genuine, they're authentic, and that we would be able to establish yung bona fides ng mga videos. Who knows, there might be a court who might be willing to accept these evidences as admissible against Mr. Gonzales even for the larger crimes and even without the active participation and cooperation of the complainant.
Is there a case without the cooperation of the actual victim? Oo nga, meron naman Christian. Again, anong kailangan? Eyewitnesses. Kailangan ni eyewitnesses. Hindi naman kailangan mismo yung complainant. Meron talaga mga instances na ganoon, for one reason or another.
Or punyari, namatay. Namatay yung mismong complainant. Yung victim, namatay yung victim. Sino ngayon na magtitistigo? It will have to be people other than the victim himself or herself. But definitely, they have to be people who would be able to testify based on personal knowledge.
Meaning personal nilang nakita, narinig, naamoy, nalasahan and so forth.
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