
Psychological TESTING and ASSESSMENT | Anong Pinagkaiba? | Tagalog
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Support the channel: In this video, I talked about Psychological Testing and Assessment and who can do testing and assessment. Pinagusapan natin sa videong ito ang pinagkaiba ng Psych Testing sa Assessment at kung sino nga ba ang pwedeng gumawa ng mga ito, at least dito sa Pilipinas. RA 10029 - Reference for this video: Cohen R, Swerdlik M. Psychological Testing and Assessment. Boston: McGraw Hill Higher Education; 2010. This video is made with the intention to introduce the topic to people who have little to no background in psychology. For a more in depth discussion, I suggest that you read the source material or listen to lecture videos. But of course, you can still watch this for your review or summary. Disclaimer: The information in this YouTube Channel is not intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content including text, g
JP Buduan
Run time: 08:10
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