
Killer Pork Sinigang
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How to Cook Pork Sinigang Website: Ingredients: 2 lbs. Pork belly, cubed 66 g. Knorr Sinigang sa Sampaloc Mix with Gabi 2 pieces talong, sliced 8 pieces okra 18 pieces string beans, cut in 2-inch pieces 5 ounces daikon radish, (labanos) sliced 1 bunch kangkong 1 piece onion, wedged 2 pieces tomato, wedged 6 pieces shishito pepper 8 cups water Fish sauce and ground black pepper to taste 3 tablespoons cooking oil Procedure: Heat oil in a cooking pot. Saute onion until layers separate. Add half of the tomato. Saute for 2 minutes. Add pork belly. Continue sauteeing until the pork browns while adding around 1 tablespoon fish sauce. Pour water. Cover the pot and let the liquid boil. Add Knorr Sinigang sa Sampaloc with Gabi. Cover and adjust heat between low to medium. Cook for 30 minutes or until the pork gets tender. Add labanos. Cover and continue cooking for 30 minutes. Add eggplant, string beans, and okra. Cook for 5 minutes. Add kangkong stalks and remaining tomato. Cook for 3 min
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 06:01
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