
Upper Body Workout (Toning + Strength) by Kris Bernal | #KRISMADEMEDOIT
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Weave these arm, shoulder, chest, and back exercises into your routine to get a strong upper half with incredible upper body strength. I’ve been doing and following this workout for years - CREDITS to MadFit for this workout routine! This is just one of her super effective workouts that I wanted to share it with you as I’ve really seen results from myself! Follow the timer and follow me on the proper forms! You are more than welcome to repeat this, one or two more rounds. Comment below what body part would you like me to focus on and do a workout program. I will read all your comments and I will do those with the most suggestions. And, don’t forget if you’re trying this workout, tag me with your photo, story, or videos with the hashtag #KrisMadeMeDoIt Yoga Mat & Sports Bra - Biker Shorts - Produced by: @NicePrintChannel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kris Bernal
Run time: 18:32
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