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CREAM PUFFS 1 ½ cups non-fat milk ¾ cup unsalted butter 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour 6 whole eggs ¼ teaspoon salt Pastry cream: ¾ cup white sugar ½ cup cornstarch 3 cups fresh milk 4 egg yolks ½ cup salted butter Ganache: 2 cups cream 2-3 cups dark chocolate (depends on how thick you want the ganache) BAKING: • Bake at a preheated 450F (220C) oven for 15 minutes. The hot oven will make the cream puff, PUFF! • Decrease the heat to 350F (170C), and continue baking for another 20-30 minutes, or until the cream puffs are evenly golden brown in color. Music: Backbay Lounge by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:
Chef RV Manabat
Run time: 16:58
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