
"Because Every Picture has a Story to Tell"
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Hi! My name is Michelle and I want to share our happy moments. Let us inspire each other! :) My family have our own uniqueness and we are happy in our own special way. Every family is different just like every individual. In my opinion, a happy family can be defined as many things. I believe it is being able to trust one another, confide in each other, having the unity and support, and overall sharing the love and compassion for each individual. We know that God doesn't give us a problem that we can't solve. We always pray and think positive to all of our problems. We know that we can pass our problems by helping each other in solving it. I know that there is no perfect life. In our life, we always meet struggles but all we have to do is to stand, fight and do our best. We can do it. We must enjoy our life and take it easy. I am blessed that my family is whole. Because of each other, we are not afraid to face something that might happen to us. They give me energy, more power and make my world more colorful a
Run time: 03:31
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