
Adobong Kambing
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Get the details of this goat dish recipe here: Adobong Kambing is a Filipino goat meat recipe cooked inadobo style; this means that garlic, vinegar, and soy sauce were used to stew the meat. Goat meat is also known as Chevon. There are many different delicious goat dishes that we can make such as Kalderetang Kambing (stewed goat meat in tomato) and sinampalukang kambing (sour goat soup). Check out our other delicious goat meat recipes: Sinampalukang Kambing: Kalderetang Kambing: Goat is also known as: 山羊, boo, kanding nga lake, kambing, koza, Ziege, cabra, แพะ, con dê, gabhar, capra, ヤギ, बकरी, козел
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 04:45
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