
USAPIN SA LIBEL PART 2 (Pwede bang sampahan ng cyber libel ang taong nasa ibang bansa?)
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Fiscal EJ
Run time: 15:21
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Do not ask me. I'm asking you. Yes or no only. That's a very categorical question.
Same with Justice Valdos. I vote in favor of the negative because it is very clearly provided under such a law that a 16-year-old can give already consent in sexual activity.
I'm inclined to think that if it's the age of 16, it's the age of sexual consent and therefore I disagree with the negative side.
Categorically stated there that the age of sexual consent is 16, the official statement of the Senate will bind me as a judge.
There being no other sources to draw an answer from. That the age of consent is really 16.
Good day po sa lahat. This is fiscal EJ once again. Today we are going to discuss an important aspect of libel.
I'm talking about jurisdiction in libel cases.
There is no question that if a person who posts libelous content is only here in the Philippines,
he can really be charged because all the elements of libel as a crime happened here in the Philippines.
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