
Mini Peach Mango Pie
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How to Make Mini Peach Mango Pie Nuggets. Details: This video will show you how to cook mini peach mango pie. The original pie version is popularized by Jollibee, a Filipino fast food chain. Peach Mango Pie Nuggets Recipe Ingredients 3 pieces mango ripe 7 ounces peaches canned 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon cornstarch ¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder 5 slices loaf bread 2 pieces eggs ½ cup Panko breadcrumbs 1 ½ cups cooking oil Instructions Prepare the filling. Combine mango, peaches, sugar, cinnamon powder, and cornstarch in a bowl. Mix well. Set aside. Flatten a slice of bread using a rolling pin. Slice the flattened bread in half. Make a symmetrical fold and seal the edges by rubbing water and then pressing against each other. Leave one side open. Fill the pocket with enough peach-mango filling. Seal. You now have your peach mango nuggets. Heat oil in a pot. Beat eggs in a bow. Dip nuggets in egg and then roll over bred crumbs until completely coated.
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 12:30
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