
Duterte warns vs impeaching daughter Sara
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Ayon kay former President Rodrigo Duterte, tatakbo sya sa pagka-VP o senador kung ma-impeach ang anak na si VP Sara Duterte
Christian Esguerra
Run time: 01:11:35
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English Summary of Video (AI):
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Good evening, everyone. I'm Christian Esguerra, and welcome to tonight's episode of our Facts First Podcast.

- Christian Esguerra apologizes for starting three minutes late due to a delicious dinner.
- The conversation tonight revolves around the actions at the House of Martin Romualdez, questioning whether Vice President Sara Duterte is being pressured, and the buzz surrounding impeachment.
- A resolution has been filed in support of the International Criminal Court, with speculation on President Rodrigo Duterte being targeted.
- There is a shift in dynamics as now a member of the majority and head of the Human Rights Committee has filed a resolution supporting the ICC.
- Christian talks about respecting their guest tonight and refraining from negative comments or mocking, unlike previous episodes.
- They discuss concerns about being overly praised and the discomfort it brings, preferring straightforward, critical interactions.
- The guest, Undersecretary Ronald Llamas, joins the conversation and talks about his contribution during his time with Christian.
- They compare their abilities, with Christian jokingly asking viewers to grade them.
- They proceed to discuss if the House of Representatives, under Speaker Martin, is targeting not just Sara Duterte but the entire Duterte camp, considering the recent stripping of GMA, Sara Duterte's intelligence funds, and the attempt to allow ICC intervention.
- Vice President Sara Duterte's conversations with President Bongbong Marcos and her expression of support from him amid impeachment rumors are examined.
- They explore the complexity behind the statements of political figures and the realities unfolding, including a recent Supreme Court case filed against the Vice President over confidential funds usage.
- Discussion ensues about the possibility of an actual impeachment effort in the House, with hints from statements and actions observed within Congress hinting at movement against the Vice President.
- The political implications of potentially impeaching Vice President Sara Duterte are deliberated upon, with a potential impact on President Duterte as he was involved with the intelligence funds in question.
- Christian shares his skepticism on the actuality of the impeachment talk, suggesting it might just be noise or an effort to send a message rather than a concrete plan.
- They touch upon Speaker Martin Romualdez's political ambitions and the risks involved in potentially alienating a formidable political force like the Duterte camp.
- Towards the end, the conversation takes a light-hearted turn, with discussions ranging from cooking tips, shoutouts to viewers, and a playful assessment of who's more handsome between Ronald Llamas and another guest, Barry Gutierrez.

*The above is a condensed summary of the video's discussion points, excluding references to channel subscriptions and social media to adhere to the user's request.*

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
🎵 Intro Music 🎵
Kumusta? Good evening sa inyo lahat. Ako po si Christian Esguerra at welcome po sa ating episode ngayong gabi ng ating Facts First Podcast.
Today is November 22, araw po ng Wednesday.
Sana nasa mabuting kalagayan po kayo.
Sana mahabang inyong pasensya dahil sa tindi ng traffic.
Although it's a common occurrence naman sa Pilipinas.
In particular sa Metro Manila.
Pasensya na po kayo. Medyo nag-start tayo ngayon ng 3 minutes late kasi napasarap yung dinner ko.
Hindi ko maalisan eh. Sabi ko, ayoko na magparit yung napakasarap na dinner ko para sa guest natin.
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