
Road to M5 ft. Wolf | Road to M5 Ep. 9 (Final Episode)
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This episode features Caisam "Wolf" Nopueto, a well-known analyst for MPL Philippines, and one of the veteran casters of the professional league. He shared his thoughts and analytical stats of the Philippine representatives, AP Bren and Blacklist International. Together with Manjean Faldas and Naisou, they continued to breakdown the strengths and weaknesses of other teams who might be a great contender for the M5 Trophy. Furthermore, Wolf also gave his fearless forecast on who will be the Top 3 teams and the possible champion of M5.
MPL Philippines
Run time: 55:54
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Welcome everyone to the home of the strongest MLBB region and players.
It's me, Naisu, and I'm joined here once again with the dynamic duo.
It's us, it's Suman, and we're here for our final episode of The Road to M5.
The journey is almost complete. It's upon us.
And again, before we start, we would like to thank our official teleco partner, SMART.
Now, man, Gene, how are we doing? It's been a while.
Nag-break lang tayo ng saglit, pero kami makakasama nyo to visit ang mga ibat-ibang regiyon
in MLBB, in The Road to the M5 World Championship.
Nagaganapin sa Pilipinas this December na yan.
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