
Dapat ba damihan ang bilang ng mga senador?
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Sen. Robinhood Padilla is pushing for amendments to political provisions in the 1987 Constitution. He wants, for instance, to increase the number of elected senators from 24 to 54. We also wants the president and vice president to be elected as a tandem, and to be allowed to run for second term. But each term will be reduced to 4 years instead of the current 6 years.
Christian Esguerra
Run time: 01:08:20
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Good evening po sa inyong lahat.
Ako po si Christian Esguerra and welcome po sa ating episode ngayong gabi.
Today is December 15, live here in Manila, dito po sa ating Facts First Podcast.
Again, maraming maraming salamat po sa patuloy niyo pong pagsuporta dito po sa ating programa.
And for tonight, pag-uusapan natin itong constitutional amendments na pinapropose ni Senator Robin Hood Padilla.
Of course, I think the other day, topic din natin itong proposed amendments na maandun sa tinatawag na economic provisions ng ating kasalukuyang konstitusyon.
At ang nagpupush naman ito ay si Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez.
Sabi niya, next year, talagang yun ang ipupush nila sa House of Representatives.
And then itong si Senator Robin Padilla, nag-file siya ng resolution of both houses.
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