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A special Richard Heydarian andChris Tan collaboration.
Richard Heydarian VLOGS
Run time: 51:49
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Alright everyone, welcome to the numero uno political podcast in the country and of course we're very happy now, we're now more or less regular in the top 100 Spotify podcast among others and we're of course with one of the top notch guys in the country when it comes to any discussions on lifestyle, Bitcoin, medyo ADHD all over the place.
But obviously, the context of our collaboration and friendship is, you know, the emergence of this guest of ours as one of the no-nonsense voices in last year's elections and I'm sure he was perhaps as surprised by the positive reception as anyone else. It looks like there is an appetite for that kind of no-nonsense discussion. Thank you very much, Chris Tan, for joining us.
Hey Richard, kumusta? And kumusta to all your viewers and all your followers.
Yeah, you know Richard,
I've been following your posts and your interviews on CNN about politics and everything. You're one of the sane voices that I've heard in this space. So, it's an honor to be a part of this podcast, man.
Thank you very much, bro. I mean, I appreciate people like you also doing what you're doing. So, let's not overdo this bromance. Baka mamaritest tayo. I think there was a lot of creepy responses to yung pinost natin, yung mga picture natin.
So, parati ako napapahamak. Okay, let's go right into it. Chris Tan, of course, you know, many of your followers know you for your no-nonsense interventions during last year's elections. And, you know, I mean, correct the perception. Like, there was a perception that perhaps you're, you know, of course, you love the country and all, but perhaps it looks like the pink side was a little bit closer to your idea of sane politics than the alternatives, if I can put it that way.
So, first, Chris Tan. Who is Chris Tan?
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