
Guidelines on the conduct and establishment of Comelec checkpoints (Comelec Resolution No. 10741)
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What are these guidelines? (1) The PNP/AFP personnel manning the checkpoint: -must be in complete service uniform with the name plates and other identification tags clearly visible and readable; and -must not be under the influence of liquor and/or dangerous drug. (2) The checkpoint must be well-lighted and manned with uniformed personnel. (3) The checkpoint must have a signboard (3ft by 4ft) to clearly identify the place as a Comelec checkpoint from a reasonable distance. (4) There must also be a signboard directing motorists to slow down with an indication that there is a Comelec checkpoint ahead. Example: “Slow down. Comelec checkpoint 20 meters ahead.” (5) Upon approaching a checkpoint, what must a motorist do? -He/she must slow down. -If you are approaching a checkpoint in the evening, you must dim your headlights and turn on your cabin lights. (6) When the vehicle is already on stop position, the driver and passengers cannot be compelled to: -open the car door; -step out of the vehicle (*this incl
Fiscal EJ
Run time: 22:28
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