
The Met awakens all senses with its 'Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion' exhibit
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New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art revealed its 2024 Costume Institute exhibition "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion” on Monday (May 6) morning, ahead of its annual a-list gala. This interactive exhibit will take visitors on a sensory journey, exploring the rich history of fashion through an experiential lens that transcends visual appreciation. “Once a garment comes into the Met's collection, all of that is diminished. You can't touch anymore. You can't smell it, you can’t hear it, you can't wear it. So, the idea - so all you are left with is a sense of sight, really. So, the idea was really to just sort of bring back these sensorial qualities of fashion that is part of its living art form. So that was really the idea behind it,” said Andrew Bolton, the curator in charge at the museum. Throughout the space, technology is used to activate visitor’s five senses. Artificial intelligence, computer-generated imagery, x-rays, video animation, light projection, and soundscapes, the exhibit
Run time: 07:13
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So you're a second rate.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
This idea of rebirth and renewal, but also these ideas of ephemerality and impermanence or transience.
So in a way, fashion became this sort of like unifying thread throughout the exhibition
and also had this bigger message about fashion in general.
Thank you very much.
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