
Banksy Museum opens in NY, seeks to 'respect the spirit of street art'
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The elusive street artist Banksy is front and center at a new museum in lower Manhattan dedicated to his paintings. The Banksy Museum opened to the public on Wednesday (May 15) with a permanent exhibition of 160 works that are curated recreations of original Banksy works. It says it is the largest such exposition in the world. Organizers of the exposition are mindful of the potential paradox at the heart of their project; how do you celebrate a street artist who shuns institutions? For museum director Hazis Vardar, the answer is to take the question head on. "Everything here has been created by anonymous artists also," Vardar explained. "We have done everything on the wall so we cannot sell them. We respect the spirit of street art… the choice is to recreate the art of Banksy, which is, for me, much more important for all people." Like-minded projects have also opened in Barcelona, Brussels, Krakow and Paris, all thanks to Vardar. In interviews, Vardar and museum director, William Meade, confirm they
Run time: 07:41
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So to this day, nobody actually knows his identity.
This is the largest exhibition in the world, over 160 pieces by Banksy,
and the only place in the world where you can see everything that he's ever done.
Well, not everything he's ever done at this point, because he keeps on creating more works.
But this is...
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