
Vince Rapisura 2504: LGBTQIA+ Financial Inequalities: Interview with Cito Beltran
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In this episode of Agenda, veteran journalist Cito Beltran interviews financial guro Vince Rapisura, founder of the Social Enterprise Development Partnerships (SEDPI), a company providing financial literacy training to overseas Filipino workers. Rapisura delves into the financial inequalities and challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community in the Philippines, a topic often neglected in broader financial discussions. Rapisura addresses the cultural norm of LGBTQIA+ individuals shouldering significant financial responsibilities for their families, often at the expense of their personal life goals. This responsibility, while sometimes voluntarily assumed, can often lead to caregiver fatigue due to the tremendous personal sacrifices involved. He also highlights the issue of overspending by some community members to assert their gender identity, often leading to financial instability. Furthermore, Rapisura points out that while LGBTQIA+ couples face similar financial issues to heterosexual couples, they are not a
Vince Rapisura
Run time: 13:55
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Vince Rapisura is a known financial expert in the country. In 2004, Rapisura established the Social Enterprise Development Partnerships or SEDPI, a company that provides financial literacy trainings to overseas Filipino workers. SEDPI is present in 15 countries worldwide.
Okay, Vince, good morning. Welcome back to the program.
Hi, good morning Sito and happy Pride Month sa ating lahat.
As I read the material and as I listened to the intro, I realized that what we're talking about is inequality or a situation that does not address reality.
And there are issues for LGBT people, issues for single mothers, single fathers, et cetera.
Sabi ko nga, yung mga babae may maternity leave. O paano naman yung lalaki? Mas madali kaming mamatay kesa sa babae. Bakit kami walang leave?
So we all have our problems, but I won't delay it. What are the real problems for the community, for the gay community regarding all of this?
So I categorized them into three buckets, Sito. Mayroon tayong tinatawag kasi ng mga rainbow providers, mayroon mga compelled family caregivers, at tsaka yung itong isa naman ay medyo talagang challenging. Ito yung tinatawag ko ng mga fabulously broke ng mga LGBTQIA plus na community members.
So if I may, itong una natin na rainbow providers, sila yung nagsishoulder ng significant financial responsibilities in the family kasi sila yung sinasabi na hindi ka naman magkakapamilya. So ikaw dapat tulungan mo kami, bilang kami ang iyong pamilya.
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