
TPKP 156: Fiscal EJ Fabriga | PART 3: Atty. Libayan Drama + What is a LAWYER?
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@FiscalEJ's first recorded interview after his unanimous, 3-0 win over Atty. Ranny Libayan. 0:00 The humble Fiscal EJ 1:47 - Atty Libayan's complaints after the debate 4:05 - Character assassination of Melo Yap 7:57- Future of the Fiscal EJ Youtube channel 11:57 - More on the AOSC Debate 15:03 - Clarifying false claims 22:08 - Komiksman on having his ideas misrepresented 23:16 - What does a healthy Justice system look like? 25:10 - Utilizing the internet for literacy about the Law 30:00 - Thanking the FEJ Team 34:58 - FEJ's challenge to Atty. Libayan 42:21 - Responding to Atty. Libayan's "below the belt" comment 54:28 - Thanking RMN and Atty. Claire 56:00 - Farewells ➡️Link in bio. #komiksman #komiksmanpodcast #tpkp #pinoypodcaster Make a donation to support the podcast: SUPPORT TPKP VIA THESE LINKS:
Run time: 57:35
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Ang tingin kasi sa mga tao, sa mga abugado, is parang may angas, diba?
In my case, parang wala akong angas eh as a lawyer, parang gano'n lang.
Parang gano'n lang, gano'n gano'n lang, oh.
So, simple, ano lang, I look like a simpleton if people see me.
Parang ano lang, just like any other ordinary guy.
So I think yun ang siguro ang pwede kong ma-leave na legacy insofar as lawyering is concerned.
I know I am a prosecutor but hindi ako conscious na prosecutor ako.
Parang gano'n ba, if I talk to you, if I talk to Melo, if I talk to... I always treat them as equals.
And that is one thing that I...
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