
BUTT and THIGHS Workout with Resistance Bands | #KRISMADEMEDOIT πŸ’‹
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In this 10-Minute Butt and Thighs Workout With Resistance Bands, I take you through multiple butt and thighs exercises using nothing but your bodyweight and and a mini bands (I have the one that I use linked below). Work on mind-muscle connection, abduction of your legs, and squeeze hard to really target the butt and thighs. Remember, you should always feel the TENSION on the bands! You will need mini bands but if you don’t have one you can follow this workout as a pilates style workout. Sports Bra: @underarmour (Available at @athletesproph) Leggings: @lululemon Resistance Bands: @bootybandph Yoga Mat: @vivreactivewear_ph Produced by: @NicePrintChannel Location: The Concept Room Remember to train smart, engage the muscles, and feel the burn! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is not be your typical celebrity vlog because I am doing it with one mission: to inspire and empower people, especially hardworking wome
Kris Bernal
Run time: 13:57
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