
RACHEL ALEJANDRO: From Heartbreak to Hitmaker - The Untold Story Behind 'Paalam Na' EPISODE # 245
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From Heartbreak to Hitmaker: The Untold Story Behind Rachel Alejandro's 'Paalam Na' | Paco's Place Podcast** 🎙️ Welcome to another captivating episode of Paco's Place Podcast! Today, we dive deep into a tale of love, loss, and lyrical genius with the multi-talented Rachel Alejandro. 🎶 🏆 Join us as we explore an intimate conversation with the award-winning singer/songwriter who reveals the poignant origins of her chart-topping hit, 'Paalam Na'. What started as a personal breakup letter from her ex-boyfriend, Dingdong Avanzado, transformed into a musical masterpiece that resonated with hearts across the nation, propelling her into the spotlight and earning the title of Song of the Year. 💌 Rachel takes us behind the scenes, sharing her emotional journey from the initial shock of the breakup to the creative process that spun heartache into gold. We'll uncover how a simple letter became a cultural anthem and how Rachel's artistry turned a personal chapter into a shared experience for her listeners
Paco's Place
Run time: 53:23
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How was it like growing up na sikat yung tatay mo?
Piggybacking on the popularity, lalo na a legend, diba?
OPM icon legend like my father.
So, ang kagandahan lang nun is that hindi ako naging lalaki.
Yun nga, paalam na.
Legend has it, that was a love letter.
Is it true?
Yes, yes.
Can we talk about it?
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