
What 'Shogun' Doesn't Tell You: The Real Samurai Who Became a Saint?
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Unveil the truth behind Takayama Ukon, the real-life samurai saint whose story mirrors the narratives of FX's "Shogun." Explore how his sacrifice of power and homeland for faith bridged two cultures, shaping the historical connections between Japan and the Philippines. This gripping tale redefines bravery, unveiling the profound impacts of Ukon's legacy across nations. πŸ”” Subscribe: πŸŽ₯ Be my Patron: πŸ“š My books, ebooks, coloring books, merch etc. - Related Videos & Playlists: πŸ”₯ Battle of Cagayan: Conquistadors vs. Japanese Pirates? πŸ“œ Precolonial & Early Philippine History 🌏 History of Southeast Asia: Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to Takayama Ukon: The Real Samurai Saint 01:44 Exploring Takayama Ukon’s Ancestry and Samurai Heritage 03:09 Early Life of Takayama Ukon During Japan's Sengoku Period 04:25 T
Kirby Araullo
Run time: 18:30
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